GRE® General Test. Get more opportunities for success with the GRE General Test, the one test accepted by thousands of graduate and business schools worldwide.


The GRE® General Test gives you more opportunities for success.

The GRE® General Test gives you more opportunities for success.

Whether you are considering graduate school or business school, or still deciding what to do, you only need to take the one test accepted by thousands of graduate and business schools worldwide, the GRE® General Test. It is the only graduate-level admissions test that lets you skip questions and go back, change your answers and tackle the questions you want to answer first.

Plus, the GRE General Test provides the ScoreSelect® option, which means you can take a GRE test now or again in the future, and only send schools your best set of scores. Best of all, you have five years to decide how to use any of your scores.

The GRE General Test features question types that closely reflect the kind of thinking you’ll do in graduate or business school.

  • Verbal Reasoning — Measures your ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences and recognize relationships among words and concepts.
  • Quantitative Reasoning — Measures problem-solving ability using basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis.
  • Analytical Writing — Measures critical thinking and analytical writing skills, specifically your ability to articulate and support complex ideas clearly and effectively.

(fonte sito ETS)

The GRE® General Test is available at more than 1,000 test centers in more than 160 countries. It is offered as a computer-delivered test year-round at most locations around the world and as a paper-delivered test up to three times a year in areas where computer-delivered testing is not available. Review the following information carefully. There are a number of policies you should familiarize yourself with before registering.

La nostra offerta

Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Writing

Corso Individuale

  • Prezzo per persona
  • Massima flessibilità
  • Lezione conoscitiva
  • Assistenza gratuita

Corso per 2 Persone

  • Prezzo per persona
  • Massima flessibilità
  • Lezione conoscitiva
  • Assistenza gratuita

Quantitative Reasoning

Corso Individuale

  • Prezzo per persona
  • Massima flessibilità
  • Lezione conoscitiva
  • Assistenza gratuita

Corsi di Gruppo

  • Prezzo per persona
  • Massima flessibilità
  • Lezione conoscitiva
  • Assistenza gratuita

Altri corsi suggeriti per te

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