2. Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous

In this section you will find out about the difference between present perfect simple and present perfect continuous. 

We use the present perfect to talk about something that started in the past and is continuing now or is repeated up to now

simplevscontinuosb2 1

Some verbs that express states (for example bebelievehavelikeknow) are not normally used in the continuous form.

Examples: Iโ€™ve always believed in the power of meditation.

                   Heโ€™s liked her since she first met her.

                   How long have you known Martin?

                   Have you had that computer for long?

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Here are some activities to practise. ๐Ÿค“

Activity 1

Choose the correct option.

Activity 2

Activity 3

Reading comprehension ๐Ÿ“ƒ

pps vs ppc

True or false?

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